
NFL Fantasy Football Week 4: Studs and Duds

October 1, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

By "Studs" I don't mean the players that will perform the best at their position necessarily.  I mean players that will outperform their expected weekly outputs.  The opposite applies for "Duds." 
For instance, me calling Justin Forsett a stud, and Ray Rice a dud, doesn't mean you bench Rice in favor of Forsett, it just means that I expect Forsett to outperform his usual numbers and Rice to under perform this week. 
That being said, here we go:
Justin Forsett RB Sea
After a preseason of skepticism about who would be the man in Seattle, Pete Carroll showed last week who his go to guy is.  Now that he’s the man in Seattle, Forsett is gifted the porous Rams defense to showcase his abilities.  He won’t disappoint this weekend.
Roscoe Parrish WR Buf
Parrish has become one of Fitzpatrick’s favorite targets this season.  The shifty receiver has been targeted often this year, a...

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