
Philadelphia Eagles’ Road To the Super Bowl: Making a Case To Start Michael Vick

September 14, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

So Mike Vick gets his shot at extended reps at starting QB and brings the Eagles within yards of winning a game that was completely out of hand.
Vick enters and seemingly singlehandedly drives this offense back to respectability.
Had it not been for a horrible play call on 4th-and-1, Vick may have been able to win the game, as the tie-creating score was yards away and Vick was, well, nearly unstoppable in his return.
So the controversy starts, one camp saying Vick is our best chance to win now and he deserves a shot.
Others say Kevin Kolb must be given his shot to turn into a franchise QB. They mention how Joe Montana, Troy Aikman, Brett Favre, and the Mannings all had horrible first years and that a QB gains necessary experience through failure. They say keep an eye on the future.
The Eagles, however, have something those teams didn't have: a franchise QB already. Michael Vick is a Pro Bowler, a playoff winner, and one of the most amazing talents to ever play ...

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