
Pittsburgh Steelers’ Ben Roethlisberger Allegations: Here We Go Again

March 11, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

In July 2009, when Harrah's of Reno employee Andrea McNulty filed a civil lawsuit accusing Ben Roethlisberger of sexual assault, the denying outcry from Steeler Nation was almost deafening.  
I wrote an article here offering my perspective as a woman, suggesting that with past history and rumors, Roethlisberger wasn't above suspicion, and the outcry over that was almost as loud.
Fast forward to March 2010, and Roethlisberger finds himself in the middle of another accusation of sexual assault.  
This time, however, matters are leaning much more towards the criminal side, and Steelers fans are now not quite as quick to defend him.
No charges have officially been filed, but his retention of attorney Ed Garland, well known for getting other NFL players off some pretty sharp hooks, isn't boding well with a lot of people.
Whether Roethlisberger assaulted this young woman is a matter to be decided through the proper channels, but no one can deny that he is g...

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