
C.J. Spiller Starting, Dallas Cowboys Falling: 2010 NFL Week 1 Truths to Ponder

September 11, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

You can sit there all day and debate which storyline of the week is more compelling, but there often are some hard truths at the core of those storylines a lot of people don't want to admit.
If you're a fan of Team A, you really don't want to admit your team isn't going to be very good before they've played one regular season game, even if the reality is staring at you in the face.
The NFL has parity, and that's a good thing, but parity has winners and losers, and they're not the same winners and losers every year unless you're a fan of Detroit or Cleveland.
That's a lot of losing in those two cities.
Winning and losing aside, here are some hard truths fans need to face up to heading into 2010.
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