
Q&A with Super Bowl XXXIV Champion Kevin Carter

February 9, 2011   ·     ·   Jump to comments

I recently had the chance to talk with former NFL defensive end Kevin Carter after coming in contact with him via Schoolofthelegends.com, a new interactive website created so that fans and current/former NFL players may have a commonplace on the web.
Kevin is a busy guy, even while retired, so the interview was done through email. Here's what he had to say...
Ben Heck: As creator of the new fan-friendly website Schoolofthelegends.com, what gave you the idea for the site and what went on behind the scenes to set it up?
Kevin Carter: I can’t take credit for creating Schoolothelegends.com. I originally came on as a spokesperson for a concept that I believed in. One of the coolest social media networks made up of Legends and fans of all things football. DeMaurice Smith (Executive Director of NFLPA), gave me a call last summer about the NFL Players (The marketing arm of the NFLPA) possibly partnering with a social media company. When I thought a...

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