
Tanard Jackson’s Suspension Bites the Tampa Bay Buccaneers

September 23, 2010   ·     ·   Jump to comments

Once again, Raheem Morris and Mark Dominik have found a burning bag of dog poop on the front doorstep of One Buccaneer Place.
Once again, they probably stomped on it to put out the flames.
Just when Buccaneer Nation was feeling so very good about its team, so good about its new young defense, and so good about that 2-0 start, this team received a cold bucket of water in its face, a hard slap on the jaw, and a bite of reality from a problem child who really has an ongoing problem.
Tanard Jackson has once again tested positive for a "banned substance."
One again, he has failed that important course, "Pee In The Cup 101."
Three times now. This suspension will last a year but when you're 25, that's a lifetime.
Not here to nail "T-Jack" to the wall. Not here to condemn him. That's already been done by the main-stream media.
Here to give perspective with experience. Keep in mind, you're reading the writings of a child of the 60s and 70s. And the s...

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